Do you stress about food during the Holidays?

Do you find yourself stressed out, food obsessed and overwhelmed during the holidays? 

 Do you wish you could feel more balanced and peaceful this holiday season? Especially when it comes to food?

Then you're in the right place.

YES! I'm ready to have my best holiday season ever!

Do you stress about food during the holidays?

Do you wish you could feel more balanced and peaceful this holiday season? Then you're in the right place.

YES! I'm Ready

Are you tired of food stealing your joy during the holidays? 


It doesn't have to be this way.


Ready to Enjoy the Holidays Without Stressing About Food or Weight Gain?

The holidays are meant for joy and celebration, not stress and anxiety. And yet, most people say they feel MORE stressed and anxious (especially about food), during the holidays. Imagine going through the holidays actually enjoying the spirit of the season, even enjoying your favorite traditions and treats, while still feeling great in your body!

 Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

What if this year, instead of worrying about food, you could:

  • Stay connected with your loved ones without obsessing over calories
  • Feel more peace and calm instead of stress and overwhelm
  • Enjoy your holiday gatherings without anxiety or guilt about what you’re eating
  • Start the new year feeling light, empowered, and in control of your health

The truth is, many people struggle during the holidays, especially with all the tempting treats, added stress and social events. But with a few simple strategies, you can stay on track with your goals and enjoy everything the season has to offer.

Here’s the secret: You don’t need to double-down on dieting behavior or vow to stay away from all of your favorite holiday traditions. Instead, you can learn how to nourish your body while fully enjoying the season.

Let’s make this holiday season different. You deserve to experience joy and freedom, without letting food or weight steal your happiness.

Are you ready to enjoy the holidays feeling happy, balanced, and stress-free?

Don’t wait—take the first step towards enjoying your holiday season while staying true to your health goals. You can have it all!

Feeling Overwhelmed By Holiday Food, Stress and Weight Worries?

During the holiday season, many of us start to feel the pressure around food and weight. Tempting treats, added stress, family obligations and social gatherings make it all too easy to get anxious about what we eat and how much weight we might gain. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

What if you could enjoy the holidays without that food obsession and lingering fear of weight gain? Instead of stressing over every bite, what if you could nourish your body, embrace the festive season, and still feel great about yourself?

Here's the truth: These days, people are realizing that the holidays should be about joy and connection, not restriction and food obsession. Whether it’s taking time to regulate your nervous system or finally feeling at ease with your holiday meals, there’s a better way forward. But how?

One of the biggest stumbling blocks that keeps people from truly enjoying the holidays without stressing over food or weight gain is this key question...

How can I fully embrace the joy of the season without constantly worrying about what I’m eating or how it will affect my body?

This polarizing question can lead to an ‘all or nothing’ trap during the holidays. 

In the ‘nothing' category, some will abandon all healthy habits for a while, vowing to recommit in the new year when things feel easier. In the ‘all’ category some will double-down on dieting behavior, shunning all of the tempting treats in an attempt to white knuckle their way through the holidays. 

Do you feel like the holidays are a time to indulge? After all, grandma's cookies only come around once a year! But so do those company parties, family traditions, big gatherings around food and soooo many tempting treats!

Or perhaps you feel like dialing up the dieting behavior is the way to make it through! Vowing to control every bite and say ‘no’ to all of the temptations. You tell yourself “I can do this! Just be stronger!”, meanwhile you feel left out of the festivities and it starts to feel like stress and deprivation. 

Ironically, both of these approaches lead to the same place - exhausted, frustrated and entirely too focused on food during the holiday season.  

But the truth is, it doesn't have to be that way.

What if you finally felt like you don’t have to choose between indulging or feeling good. I’m here to tell you, you can enjoy the season’s celebrations while not compromising your health and weight goals. 

“I don’t know if that’s possible for me”, you might be thinking. Maybe you're even feeling some resistance to the idea of letting go of control around holiday eating, and that’s okay.

If you’re reading this, I'm guessing you’re ready to embrace a different approach—one that allows you to fully enjoy the holidays without stressing over food or weight gain - you just may not know HOW or WHAT that approach would be!

What if this was the year you felt different after the holidays?


I'm ready! Sign me up!

Do any of these fears and worries sound familiar?

  • You love the holidays but you HATE having to worry about food the whole time. It’s a constant battle between temptation and the shame and guilt you experience after you give in. You enter the new year feeling exhausted and frustrated after over-indulging so many times.
  • You’re already gearing up to say ‘no’ about 1,000 times this holiday season. After all, you’re committed to your health goals and you’ll be darned if you “fail” during the holidays. Ironically, all of the saying no is exhausting as well, and it leaves you feeling like you can’t trust yourself to enjoy food. This makes you feel even more exhausted, will you always feel this way?
  • You’re not an all or nothing eater during the holidays, but boy do you feel stressed and overwhelmed this time of year! How do you deal with all of that stress and nervous system dysregulation? Food! You’re just trying to get through the chaos of the season until things “slow down” in January, but in the meantime you’re eating those feelings!

These are the kinds of questions so many people struggle with during the holidays.

They get stuck in a cycle of stress, fear and overwhelm, worrying about every bite they take, and missing out on the joy of the season. The worst part is, they don’t even realize that the worry and stress further disrupts their nervous system, making the whole thing even harder, creating a vicious cycle that can take weeks or months to climb out of in the new year.

This kind of struggle ends up costing so much—missed moments of happiness, unnecessary guilt, and the constant feeling of overwhelm.

But what if you didn’t have to feel this way? What if you could savor the holiday season with confidence, knowing that you can enjoy everything the holidays bring while keeping your mind and body in harmony?

Instead of fearing food or weight gain, imagine feeling calm, balanced, and truly content—able to enjoy yourself without the stress and without sacrificing your well-being.

This holiday season, you can make the choice to do things differently. You can nourish your body and your nervous system without missing out on the fun!

Because the truth is, it doesn’t have to be this way.

You don’t have to go through the holidays stressing over every meal, feeling anxious about food choices, or worrying about your weight. You can enjoy the season with a well-resourced, regulated nervous system, knowing that you’re nourishing both your body and mind.

I can help you find that balance so you can fully embrace the holidays — without sacrificing your health or your happiness.

But first, I have to tell you something that might be a little hard to hear... 😬

Whether you’ve spent years stressing over holiday meals or have always struggled to maintain balance when it comes to food, you deserve better. You deserve to experience the holidays without constant anxiety about food or weight. You deserve to feel confident in your body and at peace in your mind—no matter the season.


This holiday season, let’s leave the old, stressful ways behind and embrace a new way that allows you to fully enjoy every celebration and maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

The dreaded "will this work for me" question:

If you've ever questioned whether this will really "work for you" to navigate the holidays without stressing over food or weight gain, you’re not alone.

You’ve probably tried many things that haven’t panned out the way you wanted them to. There are so many radical claims out there offering overly-simplistic solutions to a complex problem. The truth is, if the solution were simple, you wouldn’t still be feeling this way. 

But that doesn’t mean it has to be hard! The last thing you need is MORE on your plate during the holidays. During the holidays, it’s about focusing on the RIGHT things, giving you the most bang for your buck, and I can show you how to do that. By focusing on the right things for the right reasons, you’ll find it’s easier than ever to feel good - both physically and mentally.

This frees you up to focus on what matters most - joy, connection, and balance - so you can truly enjoy the holidays without food stress or fear of weight gain.

It’s time to let go of the pressure to be perfect. This holiday season, let’s focus on what really matters - your happiness and your health.

It's time for YOU to implement a holiday approach that nourishes both your body and your mind, leaving you feeling calm and satisfied this year.

🎉 Introducing Healthy for the Holidays! 🎉

New for 2024!

I’m going to show you how to enjoy the holidays with a clear, balanced mindset—one that helps you stay peaceful and stress-free around food, without worrying about weight gain or starting over in the new year. Even if you don’t feel in control yet, I’ll help you find your balance that nourishes your body, honors your nervous system, and lets you fully embrace the joy of the season.

30% Off for a Limited Time

In this simple but POWERFUL program, you'll discover...

  • The surprising things that ACTUALLY impact your food choices during the holidays
  • How to know if your nervous system is OPTIMIZED for a joy-filled holiday season (and what is likely to happen if you don't prioritize your own well-being right now!)
  • 4 simple but effective ways to SHIFT your habits, that won’t add more stress to your life, bit WILL add more joy! 
  • My 3-step process for overcoming stress and worry if it does arise
  • 4 key questions you MUST ask yourself during the holiday season so you can stay present, calm, and in tune with your body
  • AND how to use this balanced approach to keep your nervous system healthy and your well-being intact, so you can move through the holidays with ease!
YES! I'm ready to have my best holiday season ever!

100% Holiday Happiness Guaranteed!

I’m so confident that you’ll love this material that I’m offering a 30-day money-back guarantee!

I can’t control whether you utilize any of the tools and strategies that I’m about to offer you in Healthy for the Holidays, that part is up to you. 

But….if you don’t feel I delivered the value you expected, simply email my customer support team at [email protected] to request your refund within 30 days of your purchase. I’ll return your investment ASAP. That’s how confident I am in the tools and information I’m offering you in this program.  


👇✨ Do YOU want these kinds of results? 👇✨

I'm So Thankful


- Barbara - Longmont, CO - 

I've been thinking about this since watching your video earlier today. How I have NOT looked at my relationship with what I am eating like this before!! Wow, just wow! A whole new mindset is powerful! I am empowered and NOT deprived. I am so thankful for you. Thank you!! ❤️


I Can't Express...


- Hallie - Boston, MA - 

 I can't express what this program has done for me. Also, my husband has told me on several occasions that I am a completely new person. Thank you so much! 

Loving This Course


- Melissa - Lexington, KY - 

I'm loving this course and am so grateful every day for your talents and creation of it. I'm loving my daily routines and am seeing the big influences they have in my day to day. I feel like I'm on a completely new radio station and I'm so much happier and at peace with myself and my relationships. 


More Loving And Kind Thoughts


- Alia - Denver, CO - 

I am noticing I'm having many more loving and kind thoughts about myself and my body. This (my body) feels like a peaceful home and a safe place to be. For the first time in many years!


Happier Than I've Been in a Long Time!


- Margaret - Columbia, SC - 

This course is truly helping me so much! Despite my challenges with family, and the constant stress, I am happier than I've been in a long time. I am able to remove myself form the downward spiral that had become habit. I still have a ways to go, but I am optimistic that I can and will get there. 


Feels Great to Have Hope!


- Carrie - Rice Lake, WI - 

I have known for a while that my thoughts and mindset were one of my issues vs. nutrition and exercise, but this is the first time I have found a program that goes as deep as the nervous system AND also gives some tools teaching me how to change. It feels great to have hope!


I’m here to make your journey through the holiday season as simple and stress-free as possible, so you can find the perfect balance that allows you to enjoy every moment—without worrying about food or weight gain. Together, we'll help you keep your nervous system calm and your joy at the forefront, making this your happiest, most peaceful holiday yet.



Meet Your Mentor

👋 Hi, I'm Eliza!

I help people. To me, it’s that simple. If you’re struggling, I want to help. It’s wired into my DNA somewhere. 

I come from trauma. Unfortunate events early in my life led to difficult challenges in my child and adolescent years that were hard to understand at the time. 

Obsessing over my body and food was one of the ways I desperately tried to control my environment (although I didn’t realize that’s what it was at the time). I now know that my struggle was never with my body in the first place. But back then all I knew was that no matter what I did, I couldn’t find a way to feel comfortable in my skin. 

My own struggle influenced my decision to pursue a degree in clinical psychology. I wanted to understand how and why we become who we are, and why it’s so hard to change even when we want to. 

I earned a Master's degree in counseling psychology, and then continued my training, education and certifications all with the burning question in my mind: “Why don’t we do better, even when we know better”?

In other words, why is it so hard to change, even when we know what we’re doing isn’t good for us?

Throughout my career, this question led me to deeper study and education in behavior science, applied neuroscience, epigenetics, energy psychology, polyvagal theory and various trauma-informed techniques. 

My unique combination of education and experience has culminated in my own model of change that has helped thousands finally get out of their own way for good. 

With my model of change in mind, I created this workshop to help those struggling with food anxiety during the holidays gain clarity on how to enjoy the holidays, without crushing stress, anxiety or food obsession. 


Are you ready to do the holidays differently this year?

What My Clients Are Saying... 👇

Now I'm Ready to Celebrate!

- Allison - Chesterfield, VA - 

This isn’t just for weight loss. I need to learn a resilient nervous system for my whole being. My entire LIFE needs a reset! My overall health and wellbeing. This will help in so many life aspects. Weight. Recreation. Social Media addiction. So many things - EVERYTHING! Also, excited to see what the whole SHIFT program is. I’ve spent enough money on various programs. This would definitely be one worth my money!


I Have Been Truly Transformed

- Sharon - Augusta, GA - 

All is not hopeless. There is a reason I have trouble with food and that I feel like I cannot get out of this cycle. It feels like there is a glimmer of hope and I’m excited to know there is a way out of this situation and that there are other women who have these same feelings as I am having.


I'm Hopeful...Finally

- Kristen - Modesto, CA - 

Oh my goodness. The light bulb came on for me today. I actually cried. I have suffered from such serious anxiety. I have never been able to make anything stick. Now I know why. I finally feel like there is hope that I can make changes that will stick with me and give me a peace and confidence within myself that I did not think would ever be possible.
I am blown away by all the information that you have shared with us.


I’ve helped hundreds of people find peace and balance during the holidays—enjoying the season without stressing over food or weight gain... and now it’s your turn!

Let me help you enjoy the holidays while keeping your body nourished and your nervous system calm.



Over 20 years of doing this work, I’ve helped countless dieters overcome the stress and anxiety that often come with the holiday season, especially when it comes to food and weight.

So many people get paralyzed by the thought of how to enjoy holiday meals without guilt or fear...

To the point where it affects their ability to fully embrace the joy of the season, leaving them feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unmotivated.

If you never figure out how to find that balance, you’ll never feel…

  • confident in your ability to enjoy the holidays without overthinking every bite
  • clear about how to nourish yourself while still indulging in your favorite treats
  • able to truly relax and celebrate with your loved ones

And if you lack confidence, clarity, and peace of mind during the holidays, the stress and anxiety will only grow. Instead of enjoying this special time of year, you’ll feel trapped by the pressure of “getting it right.”

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

That’s why I want to help as many people as possible get crystal clear on how to navigate the holiday season with ease—so they can feel good in their bodies, keep their nervous system calm, and focus on what really matters: joy, connection, and well-being.

So, are YOU ready to fully enjoy your holidays without the worry?


After You Enroll in the Healthy For The Holidays, You'll Receive...

  • Eight Self-Paced Modules

    Containing simple but effective practices to help you understand why food is so hard this time of year. 

  • Simple Techniques

    Clinically-proven tools that are simple to use but have a powerful impact so you can enjoy your holiday events without the stress and overeating.

  • Gentle Guidance

    For managing cravings and stress so we don’t add MORE to your plate during the holiday season.

  • PLUS Unlimited Access

    You’ll have access to the video replays for watching (and re-watching) at your own pace.



100% Holiday Happiness Guaranteed!

 I’m so confident that you’ll love this material that I’m offering a 30-day money-back guarantee!

I can’t control whether you utilize any of the tools and strategies that I’m about to offer you in Healthy for the Holidays, that part is up to you. 

But….if you don’t feel I delivered the value you expected, simply email my customer support team at [email protected] to request your refund within 30 days of your purchase. I’ll return your investment ASAP. That’s how confident I am in the tools and information I’m offering you in this program. 


🤔 Frequently Asked Questions


A more peaceful and balanced holiday season is possible for you, let me help!

If you're anything like the thousands of women I've helped, you’ve been dieting or controlling your food intake for most of your life. The holiday season usually comes with an all or nothing approach for you. Either you’re all in, doubling down on whatever food plan you’re currently committed to. Or you’ve decided to forgo all dieting and exercise behavior and vow to start over again next year. 

During the holidays, do you find yourself longingly looking at everyone around you wondering why things seem so easy for them? Wondering if you will ever feel “normal” around food? Wondering if you will ever stop fighting with your body? 

You’re probably tired of living this way. Constantly thinking about food; or trying NOT to think about food (which is still thinking about food!).

The truth is, the holiday season can be incredibly stressful, and if you don’t have the right tools in place, it can feel even more overwhelming and draining than it normally does... which can negatively impact your health and well-being (I’ve been there before!). That’s why I’ve created a tool to help you have a peaceful, joyful holiday season while keeping your nervous system healthy and your mind at ease.

Let’s make this your happiest, most balanced holiday yet—together!


Get the Support You Need to Enjoy a Stress-Free, Balanced Holiday Season!

Join now and get instant access today!



100% Holiday Happiness Guaranteed!

I'm so confident that you'll love this workshop and gain massive clarity on how to enjoy the holidays without stressing about food or weight gain, that I'm offering a 30-day money-back guarantee! If you don’t feel that I've helped you find the balance and peace you deserve, simply email me at to request your refund within 30 days of purchase.